Harakat al-Hadatha fi al-Shi’ir al-Arabi al-Mu’aser. Dirasa Hawl al-Itar al-Ijtima’I al-Thaqafi lel-Itijahat wal Buna al-Adabiya.

حركة الحداثة في الشعر العربي المعاصر. دراسة حول الاطار الاجتماعي الثقافي للاتجاهات و البنى الادبية
Author: Kheir Beik, Kamal.
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Kutub Publishing





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499 pp., hardaback binding, index; footnotes; bibliography; figures, copy new in mint condition. The book is based on a Ph.D. thesis on modern Arabic poetry written by Kamal Kheir Bek at the University of Geneva in 1972. It was frst published in French in 1978 and was later translated and published in Arabic in 1982. The importance of this book lies in the approach it uses in tackling modernism in Arabic poetry and its presentation of a comprehensive critical and scientifc research that dissects the multiple facets of the modern Arabic poem with specifc focus on the production of Shi’hr Magazine. Publishing the book aims to introduce the new generation of Arabic poetry critics to a fundamental reference work given credit for rounding out this genre of poetry.

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