La Peinture Turque D’Apres Les Manuscrits Illustres . Iime Partie, De Murad IV A Mustafa III 1623-1773
Author: Stchoukine, Ivan
Institut Francais D'archeologie Oriental
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[2] 169 pp; half-title, title, 96 b/w plates hors text, publishers’ original wraps, UNOPENED COPY. Ouvrage publié avec le concours de la Direction Générale des Relations Culturelles Scientifiques, Bibliothéque Archéologique et Historique, Tome XCIII. The second part of a major academic study discussing various aspects of Islamic paintings in Ottoman manuscripts from 11623-1773. The author deals with the influence of Byzantine art on Islamic art, and the development of the Islamic art with its distinguished special patterns and designs. This research was carried by help from the Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifiques in France and the Fogg Museum of art, Harvard University. [ Creswell Supplement 313.]