Agricultural Education For Development In The Middle East

Author: Ryan, John & Adib T. Saad (editors)

First Edition



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x, 178 pp.; HARD BACK Binding in dust wrappers. Copy in mint condition. New. Proceedings of the Conference on The Role of Agricultural Education in the Development of the Middle East, April 24-28, 1979. This volume records the proceedings of the Conference on the Role of Agricultural Education in the Development of the Middle East held on the campus of the American University of Beirut, April 24-28, 1979. This conference, the second of a series sponsored by the University under the general theme of human resources and national development, with emphasis on the role of higher education, was convened at a critical time in the history of the Near and Middle East. Oil revenues have risen rapidly in recent years, bringing new found wealth and skyrocketing economic activity in some areas. However, most areas have remained economic backwaters with large numbers of people remaining among the world's poorest. Although food production has been rising in the countries represented at the Conference, yet one-fifth to one-half of the people in those countries have diets inadequate and energy. many questions were raised on how best to meet this challenge and the working sessions of the Conference culminated in the formulation of a specific set of recommendations.

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