BAAL, Bulletin d’archéologie et d’architecture libanaises, Volume III, 1998-1999.
بعل نشرة الاثار والعمارة اللبنانية, جزء 3, 1999-1998
Author: Collective / Periodical.
La Direction générale des antiquités
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4to., 304 pp. English & French text + 10 pp. Arabic text + 5 colour plans hors text, double column per page, profusely illustrated in plans, figures, b/w illustrations, publisher's original wrappers, copy in mint condition, new. Beirut, 1998-1999. Contents: Les fouilles Archeologiques du Centre-ville de Beyrouth 1996-1999 _ The BCD Archeology Project 1996-1999 _ Bey 007: The Souks Area, Preliminary Report of the AUB/ ACRE Project _ Bey 045: Preliminary Report on the Excavations _ Bey 006: Post Roman vessel glass from the Souks Excavations _ Bey 004: The Monumental Street "Cardo Maximus" and the Replanning of Roman Berytus _ By 004: a transitional Byzantine-Umayyad pottery group _ Bey 004: Copper Alloy Metalwork from 5th -6th century levels in Beirut _ Bey 004: Bronzes _ Bey 004: Poids et amulettes de Beryte _ Bey 004 et Bey 013: Les monnaies, Rapport preliminaire _ Akkar Survey 1997, Archaeological Surface Investigations in the Plain of Akkar/ Northern Lebanon, Preliminary Results _ First Season of Excavation at Sidon, Preliminary Report _ Etude des paleoenvironnements du port de Sidon depuis 4000 ans. Resutats preliminaires de la mission de Carottages du Brirish Museum de 1998 _ Marine Prospection at Byblos _ Etude geomorphologique du littoral de Byblos. Resultats de la mission de terrain de 1998 _ The Phoenician Cemetery of Tyre al-Bass _ Premiere decouverte d'un reptile lepidosaurien marin, Raitesaurus Mesogeensis nov. den., nov. sp. du Turonien inferieur de Raite (Beqaa centrale-Liban) _ Errata Bey 003-Preliminary Report (BAAL 2: 1997).