Hay Koghkotan. The Armenian Purgatory. Events From Armenian Martyrs From Berlin To Deir-Al-Zour 1914-1920. Volume I.

Author: Balakian, Krikoris.

Zartonk Publication



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8 vo, 258 pp of Armenian text, hard back binding, frontispiece, various b/w photographs, Zartonk, no date of publication,Beirut. The events took place from 1914 till 1920, the purgatory Armenians lived on their exile road extending from their homelands to the desert of Syria, Deir Al Zour. The author describes the silent sufferings of millions of Armenians caused by the Turks, on their way to exile, away from their own lands. The Armenians were deprived of food, water, shelter, even of relalives and family members who were either murdered or died from hunger, diseases, sufferings....

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